244 research outputs found

    Uma nova abordagem de aprendizagem de máquina combinando elicitação automática de casos, aprendizagem por reforço e mineração de padrões sequenciais para agentes jogadores de damas

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    ake into account, in addition to the environment, the minimizing action of an opponent (such as in games), it is fundamental that the agent has the ability to progressively trace a proĄle of its adversary that aids it in the process of selecting appropriate actions. However, it would be unsuitable to construct an agent with a decision-making system based on only the elaboration of this proĄle, as this would prevent the agent from having its Şown identityŤ, which would leave it at the mercy of its opponent. Following this direction, this work proposes an automatic hybrid Checkers player, called ACE-RL-Checkers, equipped with a dynamic decision-making mechanism, which adapts to the proĄle of its opponent over the course of the game. In such a system, the action selection process (moves) is conducted through a composition of Multi-Layer Perceptron Neural Network and case library. In the case, Neural Network represents the ŞidentityŤ of the agent, i.e., it is an already trained static decision-making module and makes use of the Reinforcement Learning TD( ) techniques. On the other hand, the case library represents the dynamic decision-making module of the agent, which is generated by the Automatic Case Elicitation technique (a particular type of Case-Based Reasoning). This technique has a pseudo-random exploratory behavior, which makes the dynamic decision-making on the part of the agent to be directed, either by the game proĄle of the opponent or randomly. However, when devising such an architecture, it is necessary to avoid the following problem: due to the inherent characteristics of the Automatic Case Elicitation technique, in the game initial phases, in which the quantity of available cases in the library is extremely low due to low knowledge content concerning the proĄle of the adversary, the decisionmaking frequency for random decisions is extremely high, which would be detrimental to the performance of the agent. In order to attack this problem, this work also proposes to incorporate onto the ACE-RL-Checkers architecture a third module composed of a base of experience rules, extracted from games played by human experts, using a Sequential Pattern Mining technique. The objective behind using such a base is to reĄne and accelerate the adaptation of the agent to the proĄle of its opponent in the initial phases of their confrontations. Experimental results conducted in tournaments involving ACE-RL-Checkers and other agents correlated with this work, conĄrm the superiority of the dynamic architecture proposed herein.Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas GeraisTese (Doutorado)Agentes que operam em ambientes onde as tomadas de decisão precisam levar em conta, além do ambiente, a atuação minimizadora de um oponente (tal como nos jogos), é fundamental que o agente seja dotado da habilidade de, progressivamente, traçar um perĄl de seu adversário que o auxilie em seu processo de seleção de ações apropriadas. Entretanto, seria improdutivo construir um agente com um sistema de tomada de decisão baseado apenas na elaboração desse perĄl, pois isso impediria o agente de ter uma Şidentidade própriaŤ, o que o deixaria a mercê de seu adversário. Nesta direção, este trabalho propõe um sistema automático jogador de Damas híbrido, chamado ACE-RL-Checkers, dotado de um mecanismo dinâmico de tomada de decisões que se adapta ao perĄl de seu oponente no decorrer de um jogo. Em tal sistema, o processo de seleção de ações (movimentos) é conduzido por uma composição de Rede Neural de Perceptron Multicamadas e biblioteca de casos. No caso, a Rede Neural representa a ŞidentidadeŤ do agente, ou seja, é um módulo tomador de decisões estático já treinado e que faz uso da técnica de Aprendizagem por Reforço TD( ). Por outro lado, a biblioteca de casos representa o módulo tomador de decisões dinâmico do agente que é gerada pela técnica de Elicitação Automática de Casos (um tipo particular de Raciocínio Baseado em Casos). Essa técnica possui um comportamento exploratório pseudo-aleatório que faz com que a tomada de decisão dinâmica do agente seja guiada, ora pelo perĄl de jogo do adversário, ora aleatoriamente. Contudo, ao conceber tal arquitetura, é necessário evitar o seguinte problema: devido às características inerentes à técnica de Elicitação Automática de Casos, nas fases iniciais do jogo Ű em que a quantidade de casos disponíveis na biblioteca é extremamente baixa em função do exíguo conhecimento do perĄl do adversário Ű a frequência de tomadas de decisão aleatórias seria muito elevada, o que comprometeria o desempenho do agente. Para atacar tal problema, este trabalho também propõe incorporar à arquitetura do ACE-RLCheckers um terceiro módulo, composto por uma base de regras de experiência extraída a partir de jogos de especialistas humanos, utilizando uma técnica de Mineração de Padrões Sequenciais. O objetivo de utilizar tal base é reĄnar e acelerar a adaptação do agente ao perĄl de seu adversário nas fases iniciais dos confrontos entre eles. Resultados experimentais conduzidos em torneio envolvendo ACE-RL-Checkers e outros agentes correlacionados com este trabalho, conĄrmam a superioridade da arquitetura dinâmica aqui proposta

    Influencia de la edad, número de repicagens y coloración de lo micelio en la esporulación del aislados de Magnaporthe oryzae, causante de lo añublo del arroz en el estado de Tocantins

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    El hongo Magnaporthe oryzae, causante de lo añublo del arroz (Bruzone), presenta una serie de limitaciones a los cultivos bajo condiciones controladas. Algunas características pueden ser variables, incluso para un mismo aislado y requieren innovaciones por los investigadores para permitir lo desarrollo de las pruebas. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo verificar, en esporas aislados M. oryzae raza IA-1 recogidas en el Proyecto Río Formoso, municipalidad de Formoso do Araguaia, la durabilidad de los cultivos almacenados en el laboratorio, la cantidad máxima de repicagens para mantener la producción satisfactoria de las conidias por las colonias y la relación de diferentes colores de las culturas en medio BDA con la producción de conidias. Con este fin, se llevó a cabo tres experimentos en el diseño completamente al azar. En el estudio I, se utilizaron las culturas con 10, 14, 18, 22, 26 y 30 días después de la repicagen. En el estudio II, se utilizaron las culturas con 0, 1, 2, 3 y 4 repicagens de la cultura original. En el estudio III, los cultivos fueron clasificados como Negro, centro Gris con bordes anchos, Gris, centro Gris con bordes Blancos estrechos y Blanco. Mayores esporulaciones de M. oryzae se obtuvieron a los 14 días después del trasplante, en la segunda repicagen y de la coloración negra.The fungus Magnaporthe oryzae, that caused the blast rice disease, present several restrictions for cultivation under laboratory conditions. Any characters can be variable even for the same isolate and need adaptations or innovations of the researchers for experimental development. This work aimed to verify the M. oryzae monosporic isolates of the IA-1 race collected at Projeto Rio Formoso, Formoso do Araguaia Municipality, the period of the cultures stored under laboratory conditions, the maximum quantity of the subcultures to keep the production of the conidia for the colonies satisfactory and the relation of different culture colors in BDA medium with the conidia production. For that, three experiments were carried out in complete randomized design. In the Experiment I, the cultures with 10, 14, 18, 22, 26 e 30 days after subculture were used. In the Experiment II, the cultures with 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 subcultures from the original culture were used. In the Experiment III, the cultures were classified as Black, Center ash with wide white edges, Ash, Center ash with narrow white edges and White. Higher sporulation of the M. oryzae was obtained on the cultures with 14 days after the subculture, in the second subculture and on the black color.O fungo Magnaporthe oryzae, causador da brusone do arroz, apresenta uma série de limitações de cultivo em condições controladas. Algumas características podem ser variáveis até para um mesmo isolado e exigem adaptações ou inovações dos pesquisadores para possibilitar o desenvolvimento de ensaios. Este trabalho teve o objetivo verificar, de isolados monospóricos de M. oryzae da raça IA-1 coletados no Projeto Rio Formoso, município de Formoso do Araguaia, a durabilidade das culturas armazenadas em laboratório, a quantidade máxima de repicagens para manter a produção satisfatória de conídios pelas colônias e a relação de diferentes colorações das culturas em meio BDA com a produção de conídios. Para tanto, realizou-se três ensaios em delineamento inteiramente casualizado. No Ensaio I, utilizaram-se culturas com 10, 14, 18, 22, 26 e 30 dias após a repicagem. No Ensaio II, utilizaram-se culturas com 0, 1, 2, 3 e 4 repicagens a partir da cultura original. No Ensaio III, classificaram-se as culturas como Negra, Centro cinza com largas bordas brancas, Cinza, Centro cinza com estreitas bordas brancas e Branca. Maiores esporulações de M. oryzae foram obtidas em culturas com 14 dias após a repicagem, na segunda repicagem e de coloração negra

    Decision-making on the optimum timing for nitrogen fertilization on sugarcane ratoon

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    Low efficiency of nitrogen from fertilizers is a major concern worldwide, threatening the sustainability of sugarcane production. The N use efficiency (NUE) by sugarcane can be improved by adopting better fertilizing management practices, reducing environmental impacts. This work evaluated the effects of varying N rates and time of application on stalks and sugar yield in ratoon harvested early in the crop season. The experimental design was a randomized block in a 2 × 4 factorial design and a control (no N) with five replications, including two application times (45 or 90 DAH – days after harvest) and four N rates (50, 100, 150, or 200 kg N ha–1). The time of N fertilizer application promoted differences in stalk yield, as the cumulative yield of two harvests was increased by 8 % (15 Mg ha–1) at 45 DAH when compared to the application at 90 DAH. The application performed at 45 DAH augmented sugar yield by 10 % (2.8 Mg ha–1 of sugar) in relation to 90 DAH. The N rates that promoted the highest sugarcane yield were, respectively, 122 and 144 kg N ha–1 in the first and second crop cycles. The average economical rates obtained for the first and second agricultural cycles were, respectively, 104 and 127 kg N ha–1, demonstrating that the gains by applying high amounts of fertilizers (rates above 150 kg N ha–1) may not cover the investment

    Femoral anteversion and the neck-shaft angle: relationship with hip osteoarthritis

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare the existence of agreement between measurements of anteversion of the femoral neck and the degrees of osteoarthritis and abnormality of the neck-shaft angle in patients with unilateral idiopathic hip osteoarthritis, among three evaluators. METHODS: Forty- two patients with unilateral hip osteoarthritis were evaluated by means of simple radiography and computed tomography. RESULTS: It was observed that there was no significant variation in femoral anteversion between the diseased and healthy hips. There was strongest agreement between observers 1 and 2 in relation to both the diseased hips (cases) and the healthy hips (controls). Moreover, no significant agreement was found between observers 1 and 3 (p = 0.13) and between observers 2 and 3 (p = 0.12), in relation to the neck-shaft angle of the control hips. CONCLUSION: Although there was no relationship between femoral anteversion and the neck-shaft angle in the patients with unilateral hip osteoarthritis, the present study showed that there was also no relationship with these angular deviations.OBJETIVO: Comparar, entre três avaliadores, a existência de concordância das medidas da anteversão do colo femoral com o grau da osteoartrite e a alteração do ângulo cervicodiafisário em pacientes com osteoartrite idiopática unilateral do quadril. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 42 pacientes com osteoartrite unilateral do quadril por meio de radiografia simples e tomografia computadorizada. RESULTADOS: Observou-se que não ocorreu variação significativa na anteversão femoral entre o quadril doente e o sadio. Houve uma concordância mais forte entre os observadores 1 e 2, tanto em relação ao quadril doente (caso) quanto ao sadio (controle). Além disso, não foi verificada concordância significativa entre os observadores 1 e 3 (p = 0,13) e entre 2 e 3 (p = 0,12) em relação ao ângulo cervicodiafisário do quadril controle. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar de não ter ocorrido relação entre a anteversão femoral e o ângulo cervicodiafisário nos pacientes com osteoartrite unilateral do quadril, este estudo demonstrou não haver relação com estes desvios angulares.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaHospital Santa Teresa Serviço de Ortopedia e TraumatologiaHospital Santa Teresa Serviço de Ortopedia e Traumatologia Grupo de QuadrilUFRJ Faculdade de MedicinaINTOINTO Grupo de Pelve e AcetábuloUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Considerações atuais sobre classificações das recessões gengivais: revisão da literatura

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    Objetivo: revisar as classificações de recessões gengivais de faces livres, propondo estudo comparativo da efetividade de cada uma para o diagnóstico e o tratamento. Material e Métodos: revisão bibliográfica sobre a classificação de recessão gengival no período de 1968 a 2020, por meio de buscas no banco de dados PubMed. Resultados: cada classificação mostrou evolução que ocorreu de maneira cronológica, sendo a de Chambrone e Avila-Ortiz (2020)16 a mais recente e adequada. Conclusão: a classificação de Miller (1985)9 foi a mais clássica, a de Cairo, Nieri, Cincinelli, Mervelt e Pagliaro (2011)15, uma evolução, e a de Chambrone e Avila-Ortiz (2020)16, a mais completa, por evidenciar subdivisões com plenitude e facultar opções cirúrgicas apropriadas

    Detection of protease inhibitors in seeds of Punica granatum

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    The use of plants as a way to prevent and treat disease comes from ancient times. With the increasing return on consumption of plants for medicinal purposes, the plant-based medicines have gained greater appreciation. Protease inhibitors are compounds that can decrease activity of an enzyme. They are found in plants, especially in Fabaceae, Poaceae, and Solanaceae families, and show satisfactory use to treat diseases due to their regulatory activities and selective proteolytic degradation of target substrates. This study aimed to obtain protease inhibitors in the seeds of Punica granatum, due its use in traditional medicine. The alcohol-acid solution was used to extract and isolate the protease inhibitors in P. granatum seeds and Glycine max grains. The extract of P. granatum seeds showed similar concentration of protease inhibitors when compared to G. max. A 14 kDa band was detected by electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gel, which was characterized by high-performance liquid chromatography as protease inhibitors. The extract of P. granatum seeds showed a potent trypsin inhibitor activity (EC50 18.2 ng mL-1). This study showed for the first time the extraction, purification, and identification of protease inhibitors in Punica granatum seeds.

    Evaluation of embolization for periuterine varices involving chronic pelvic pain secondary to pelvic congestion syndrome

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    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the clinical response and success rate after periuterine varices embolization in patients with chronic pelvic pain secondary to pelvic congestion syndrome and to report the safety of endovascular treatment and its rate of complications. METHODS: Retrospective cohort of patients undergoing endovascular treatment of pelvic congestion syndrome in our department from January 2012 to November 2015. Data were analyzed based on patient background, imaging findings, embolized veins, rate of complications, and clinical response as indicated by the visual analog pain scale. RESULTS: We performed periuterine varices embolization in 22 patients during the study, four of which required a second embolization. Seventeen patients reported a reduction in pelvic pain after the first embolization and three patients reported a reduction in pelvic pain after the second embolization. Minor complications were observed in our patients, such as postural hypotension, postoperative pain, and venous perforation during the procedure, without clinical repercussion. CONCLUSION: Periuterine varices embolization in patients with chronic pelvic pain secondary to pelvic congestion syndrome appears to be an effective and safe technique

    High-resolution synchrotron-based X-ray microtomography as a tool to unveil the three-dimensional neuronal architecture of the brain

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    The assessment of neuronal number, spatial organization and connectivity is fundamental for a complete understanding of brain function. However, the evaluation of the three-dimensional (3D) brain cytoarchitecture at cellular resolution persists as a great challenge in the field of neuroscience. In this context, X-ray microtomography has shown to be a valuable non-destructive tool for imaging a broad range of samples, from dense materials to soft biological specimens, arisen as a new method for deciphering the cytoarchitecture and connectivity of the brain. In this work we present a method for imaging whole neurons in the brain, combining synchrotron-based X-ray microtomography with the Golgi-Cox mercury-based impregnation protocol. In contrast to optical 3D techniques, the approach shown here does neither require tissue slicing or clearing, and allows the investigation of several cells within a 3D region of the brain